Talking all things Tasmania with Greer Carland, Quiet Mutiny!
It was a fantastic afternoon of conversation, Quiet Mutiny and Laurel Bank Wines and food at L'Hotel Gitan on Saturday 15th June, talking all things Tasmanian wine (and exciting new Vermouth!) with Greer Carland.
Ahead of the event, we caught up with her to find out how vintage had been in the Tasmania's South for the Derwent and Coal Valley winemaker.
Q. How was Vintage 19 for your region? And how was it for you personally?!
A. 2019 was a warm and dry growing season with a cooler finish giving a great opportunity for flavour and tannin ripeness to be fulfilled. Both Quiet Mutiny and Laurel Bank enjoyed excellent quality across all grape varieties.
Q. What was the biggest surprise and the biggest challenge?
A. The warm start to the season brought about a condensed harvest which kept us on our toes! The biggest surprise is probably that the modest space I use to make the red wines is very much like Dr Who's Tardis, it fits so much more inside than you would think from the outside!
Q. Any firsts emerging from the vintage 19 Quiet Mutiny and Laurel Bank wine line ups?
A. Quiet Mutiny is delighted to announce that 2019 brought a Shiraz into the family. It is a real pleasure to be joining the fold of the fine examples of cool climate Shiraz Tasmania has been producing lately.