In with the new...

In with the new... A huge thank you to Mel and Adam from the Sutton Grange Winery team for allowing me behind the scenes with Alison McWhirter Photography just before Christmas to capture some shots for a brand new website for The Wine Loop coming soon in 2021. A very picturesque way to round out the year!

A huge thank you to our winemakers, chefs and all of you who joined the virtual experiences in The Wine Loop over last year. And to those who joined us in that fleeting window between lockdowns at the fantastic in real life event with Mel and Chef Mike Baker at Henry Sugar!

Looking forward to seeing you in 2021 for a whole new series of in real life experiences, where no doubt the winemakers, chefs, and all of us, will have some stories of a very different year in wine and food in 2020. Cheers to 2021!


Karen Foster